09 April 2008

First Post-Placement Home Visit

We just had our first post placement home visit this past Saturday.
It went well. It felt more like having our good friend Diane over for a visit, join us for a cup of coffee and chit-chat, than a home visit by our social worker. Never mind that the entire time Jag was bringing Diane another baby doll to trade with her and help take care of! In fact when Diane first arrived Denekew was asleep and she asked to see "your baby." Jaguar happily brought her on tip toe into her bedroom where all of her dolls were lined up in her bed, tucked in taking a nap! It was a pleasure to have our family life look and feel like a healthy functioning unit.

We also received all the information we will need to begin to work on re-adopting Denekew in the State of Washington.


sometrouble said...


This is Allie's cousin Emily, I just caught up on your last several posts about flying to Ethiopia and bringing Denekew home. I am so happy for your family to have this blessing finally fall into place! He is beautiful! May God continue to bless you all with health and happiness. I will continue to pray for your family.

Emily W.

P.S. are you still making and selling the soap? I am so sorry that I never got to order any before.

Anonymous said...


This is Todd, one of Vic's friends. We used to hang out sometimes before Vic left WA - it's been a long time since I've seen you guys, so don't worry if my name doesn't ring a bell.

I just found out that you guys are adopting - that's awesome! My wife and I are also adopting, and we've got our own blog going over at eelfang.com. We're going through a open domestic adoption, so the process is pretty different, but just from reading a few posts back, I can tell we've got a lot of the same issues (breast-feeding, "adoption friendly" vocabulary, etc.)

Denekew is super cute! I hope our future child is even half as adorable.
